2016-2017 Speaker Series

"The Current State of Militant Islam"

with Dr. Bard E. O’Neill

Author of several books including Insurgency and Terrorism, Dr. Bard E. O’Neill is a Professor of International Affairs and Director of Studies of Internal Warfare and Terrorismat the National War College. He has lectured extensively on the Middle East, insurgency, and terrorism and is a consultant to the U.S. State Department, Justice Department, Joint Chiefs of Staff, CIA and National Security Agency. He has appeared as a guest analyst on CBS, CNN, C-Span, the Asian News Network and National Public Radio.

"The American Hegemon in the 21st-Century: Change, Constraint and Challenge"

with Dr. Michael O’Hanlon
Co-Sponsored by the University of Denver International Public Policy Program

Dr. O’Hanlon is a senior fellow in Foreign Policy at the Brookings Institution, where he specializes in U.S. defense strategy, the use of military force, and American national security policy. He has written numerous books on these topics. He also co-directs the Center on 21st Century Security and Intelligence there with retired General John Allen. He is also director of research for the Foreign Policy program at Brookins. O’Hanlon was a member of the external advisory board at the Central Intelligence Agency from 2011 to 2012.

"The Intersection between New Technologies and Cyber Foreign Policy"

with Dr. Stefan Heumann
Co-Sponsored by the Denver Chapter of the American Council on Germany
Dr. Heumann is the Director of the European Digital Agenda Program at the Berlin-based think tank The New Responsibility Foundation (“Stiftung Neue Verantwortung”). He works with strategic / methodological montioring of projects at SNV, and has contributed to the Economist, the New York Times and Financial Times on topics of digital policy. From 2011 – 2013, he coordinated transatlantic expert consultations and topics such as foreign and security policy, energy policy, and technological and social change for the U.S. General Consulate in Hamburg.

"The American Hegemon in the 21st-Century: Change, Constraint and Challenge"

with Dr. Michael O’Hanlon
Co-Sponsored by the University of Denver International Public Policy Program

Dr. O’Hanlon is a senior fellow in Foreign Policy at the Brookings Institution, where he specializes in U.S. defense strategy, the use of military force, and American national security policy. He has written numerous books on these topics. He also co-directs the Center on 21st Century Security and Intelligence there with retired General John Allen. He is also director of research for the Foreign Policy program at Brookins. O’Hanlon was a member of the external advisory board at the Central Intelligence Agency from 2011 to 2012.

"Europe After Pax Americana - Turmoil and Order in the Old World"

with Jan Techau
Co-Sponsored by the Denver Chapter of the American Council on Germany
Jan Techau is an expert on European integration and foreign policy, transatlantic affairs, and German foreign and security policy. He is currently the Director of the Richard C. Holbrooke Forum for the Study of Diplomacy and Governance at the American Academy in Berlin. Before taking over the Holbrooke Forum, he was the director for Carnegie Europe, the European think tank for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He has also served in the NATO Defense College’s Research Division, as well as the German Defense Ministry’s Press and Information Department.

"Europe in the Era of Trump"

with Hans Kundnani
Co-Sponsored by the Colorado European Center of Excellence (CEUCE)

Hans Kundnani is the Senior Transatlantic Fellow with the German Marshall Fund’s Europe Program in Washington D.C. He works on internal European economic and institutional issues and Europe’s role in the world. Prior to joining the German Marshall Fund, he was research director at the European Council on Foreign Relations. He is the author of Utopia or Auschwitz: Germany’s 1968 Generation and the Holocaust and The Paradox of German Power.

"Doomsday Clock"

with Dr. Rachel Bronson
Dr. Rachel Bronson is editor and publisher of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. She oversees the publishing programs, the management of the Doomsday Clock, and a growing set of activities around nuclear weapons, nuclear energy, climate change and emerging technologies.

"The European Union and International Development: Challenges and Opportunities"

with Dr. Renate Hahlen
Co-Sponsored by the Colorado European Center of Excellence (CEUCE)
Dr. Renate Hahlen is the Minister Counselor of Development for the EU Mission to the United States. She has been a European Commission official since 1996 with extended experience in EU external action and development policy. In 2013-2014, she was Head of the Unit for Aid and Development Effectiveness and Financing at the Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development. For many years, she steered the relations of the European Commission with EU Member States as development actors. As a specialist in development finance, aid, and development effectiveness, she is also closely followed in the UN work in view of the adoption of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on development finance and the Agenda 2030 on sustainable development. She graduated with a degree in law and holds a Ph.D. in international private and comparative law from Freiburg University.

"What ISIS Really Wants"

with Ambassador Christopher Hill, General George Casey & Graeme Wood
​​​​​​​Special event panel discussion.
​​​​​​​Co-Sponsored by WorldDenver

Ambassador Christopher Hill is the dean of the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver. He is the author of Outpost: A Diplomat at Work and is also a monthly columnist for Project Syndicate. He is a highly sought public speaker and voice in the media on international affairs.

General George W. Casey, Jr. is one of the most accomplished soldiers in U.S. history and an authority on strategic and transformational leadership. As the 36th Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army from April 2007 to 2011, General Casey led what is arguably the world’s largest and most complex organization, 1.1 million people strong, with a $200+ billion annual budget, during one of the most extraordinary periods in military and global political history. He is widely credited with restoring balance to the war-weary U.S. Army and leading the transformation necessary to ensure the Army remained relevant in current conflicts. Prior to this post, General Casey commanded the MultiNational Force-Iraq, a coalition of more than 30 countries, where he guided the Iraq mission through its toughest days. He currently lectures on leadership at the Johnson School of Management, Cornell University, at other business schools, and to the leaders of national and multinational corporations. He also lectures on International Relations at the Korbel School, University of Denver. He has published a book, Strategic Reflections, Operation Iraqi Freedom, July 2004-2007 (October 2012), about his experiences in Iraq, and several articles on leadership, including “Leading in a VUCA World”, Fortune Magazine (March 20, 2014).

Graeme Wood is a national correspondent for The Atlantic and lecturer in political science at Yale University. His first book, The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State, has been called a “gripping, sobering and revelatory book” by New Statesman and “the best insight yet into what makes the Islamic State tick” by The Week. Wood has been a Turkey and Kurdistan analyst for Jane’s, a contributing editor to The New Republic, and books editor of Pacific Standard. His work has also appeared in The New Yorker, The American Scholar, The New Republic, Bloomberg Businessweek, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Walrus, The Globe and Mail, and the International Herald Tribune. He was the 2016-2016 Edward R. Murrow Press Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.

"The Intelligence Community in the 21st Century"

with Steve Recca and Richard Schwein, Jr. and moderated by Dr. Lewis Griffith

Steve Recca is Executive Director of the Center for Human Security at the University of Colorado’s Colorado Springs School of Public Affairs. He serves as the Co-Director of the University & Agency Partnership Initiative for the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Center for Homeland Defense and Security. He teaches Intelligence Specialization at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver. His previous positions include security policy assignments with the Central Intelligence Agency, State Department, and Defense Department.

Richard Schwein Jr. has more than 31 years of government service as a U.S. Army Officer and FBI Special Agent. He was appointed to the FBI Senior Executive Service in 2011 and was detailed to the CIA Counterterrorism Center at Langley, Virginia as the Deputy Director for Law Enforcement. He was recognized for his service at the CIA with the prestigious CIA George H.W. Bush Medal for Excellence in Counterterrorism.

Dr. Lewis Griffith specialized in security studies in areas of weapons proliferation, humanitarian intervention, and the implications of globalization on the state security policies of non-Western states. He joined the faculty at Air Command and Staff College in 2003 where he served as a Course Director for the Strategy and Warfare Course and the Inter/National Security Course before being named Department Chair of the Joint Warfighting Department. In 2015, he was named the Director of the International Studies Program for the Josef Korbel School at the University of Denver.

Leadership in Global Engagement Award presented to Professor Ved Nanda
Dr. May-Britt Stumbaum is Director of the NFG Research Group “Asian Perceptions of the EU” at the Free University of Berlin, and Team Leader of the EU’s Asia Pacific and Research Network (#APRAN) by Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Chatham House and Clingendael.

#APRAN provides tailor-made briefings by Asian experts for EU policy-makers. Dr. Stumbaum previously served as Executive Director of the China and Global Security Program at SIPRI, Fritz Thyssen Fellow at WCFIA Harvard, and in senior positions at the German Council on Foreign Relations and at Berlin Partner.